Now more than ever before it is important for homeowners to stay proactive when it comes to upgrading an HVAC system that has exceeded its useful life. There are many reasons for this including the fact that aging wiring can cause serious fire related hazards. Thousands of home fires occur every year across the country due to faulty wiring. An HVAC system is just as susceptible to old and damaged wiring as any other part of the home. This is one of the main reasons to upgrade an HVAC system when it’s time.
Technological Advances and Modern Manufacturing
In addition, always remember that an outdated, old or poorly maintained HVAC system can be very inefficient. Today, technological advances and modern manufacturing allow for the development of highly energy-efficient HVAC systems. In short, these units are optimized to use less energy while keeping your home cool and comfortable during the summer and warm during the winter. Another key consideration when it comes to upgrading this particular system in any home is that older units may not be easily repaired.
Better Quality Of Air Distribution
This is largely due to the fact that older systems may not have parts available. Finding parts for an outdated HVAC system can be difficult and in some cases impossible to locate. This results in added expenses and headaches. As a matter of fact, the money spent on locating older repair parts could easily be used to upgrade to a newer more energy efficient system. Keep in mind also that newer HVAC units will provide for better air distribution overall. This means a healthier indoor environment and less possibility of mold forming around a home.
Substantial Savings
Finally, another reason to consider updating an older HVAC system is that you can take advantage of tax deductions and other incentives. There are many local, state and even federal programs that offer substantial savings to those who upgrade to a newer and more efficient HVAC system. As an added note, a newer system will be quieter and simply make your home look more modern and attractive. With so much to offer it is clear to see why more people than ever before are turning to newer and more advanced HVAC systems for their homes. Contact us to learn more about Skagit Valley HVAC system repair, maintenance and installation.

While not every home in the Pacific Northwest and the Skagit Valley has an air conditioner, many newer homes do indeed have some type of air conditioning system. For those Skagitonians with AC, there are some easy and effective ways of saving energy when it comes to keeping your home cool during the hottest days of summer. For example, having an air conditioning tuned up and cleaning or replacing filters on a monthly basis can improve efficiency and save money over the short and long-term.
Keep Your Home Just A Little Bit Cooler
Also important is to make full use of window treatments like blinds and shades during the day to keep the heat of the sun under control. This is a free way to keep your home just a little bit cooler during the hottest times of the summer. Another great way of saving energy when it gets warm in the Pacific Northwest is to make full use of ceiling fans.
Reduce The Amount Of Heat That Accumulates In Your Home
Ceiling fans are great way of keeping airflow moving throughout a home while also reducing the temperature by just a few degrees. Another great tip for reducing energy usage during the summer is to use appliances like the dishwasher and washer and dryer at night in order to reduce the amount of heat that accumulates in your home. Many people today also choose to set their water heater temperature at around 120°F. This is a safe temperature and will also help to reduce energy usage as compared to keeping it at a hotter temperature.
A Few Pennies A Day Can Add Up
If you have additional freezers or refrigerators in your garage consider deactivating them, unplugging them or turning them off when not in use. This will reduce the amount of energy that these appliances use even when they are not actively keeping something cold. Along with appliances unplugging anything including TVs and DVD players can also save money. While it may not be a substantial amount of money, a few pennies a day can add up over a year’s time. Contact Alpine Heating & Cooling today to learn more about cooling your home during the summer and saving money on energy!

As spring arrives and summer approaches it is important to maintain an HVAC system at peak operating performance year-round. Keep in mind that it is vitally important to avoid neglecting your HVAC system really anytime of the year. Keeping a system in top condition year-round helps to ensure that it will work when it is needed the most. All HVAC systems require regular cleaning and proper lubrication. This is especially true following the winter months. This reduces the chances of breakdowns especially during times of the year when you want your AC to be working at peak condition.
Improve Overall Health and Well-being
Another important factor to consider when it comes to continued ongoing maintenance on an HVAC system is that it improves the air quality in your home. It helps to reduce dust buildup and limits the amount of time that a system operates with a possible clogged air filter. Good indoor air quality can greatly improve overall health and well-being. Also important is that regular and routine HVAC maintenance and upkeep will improve efficiency and save money. A system that is clean and that operates efficiently will not have to work so hard for the results you are expecting.
Save Money and Keep Your System Working Without Interruption
It is a proven fact that a dirty HVAC system with coils that have layers of dust and dirt on them can increase energy usage by up to 30% or more. Leaks are another serious concern that can end up increasing energy usage as well. Whether your system is leaking or it is clogged, having regular maintenance and inspections can save money and keep your system working without interruption. Working with an experienced and knowledgeable team of professional HVAC experts is the best way to make sure that your system is cared for in the right way.
Return Your System To Full Functionality
Homeowners are choosing to have regular routine maintenance inspections of their HVAC systems. Whether it is low refrigerant or a malfunctioning component, a seasoned and experienced technician will find the problem quickly and return your HVAC system to full functionality. Contact Alpine Heating & Cooling today to learn more about our HVAC system maintenance repair and upkeep for homes and business in the Skagit Valley including Mount Vernon WA, Burlington WA, Anacortes, Bow, WA, Sedro-Woolley and Stanwood.
Not surprisingly using excessively large amounts of hot water can greatly increase your energy bill on a monthly as well as an annual basis. Here are some ways that you can drop your water heating expenses ultimately saving a substantial amount of money each and every year. For example, reducing waste when it comes to hot water is one of the best ways to save money. It is a proven fact that heating water is indeed the second biggest energy cost in the average residential home. As a matter of fact this type of energy usage can easily account for nearly 20% of an average utility bill.
One Easy Way of Reducing Hot Water Consumption
The only more substantial expense in terms of energy usage is environmental heating and cooling. Conserving hot water by using low-flow fixtures and repairing leaks as well as choosing only energy-efficient appliances can really make a big difference. Keep in mind that many routine activities around your home use more hot water than you might ever imagine. For example a typical clothes washing machine can easily consume 25 gallons of hot water. In addition, an average shower can use over 10 gallons of hot water at a time. One easy way of reducing hot water consumption is to make sure that all leaks are identified and fixed.
Low-Flow Fixtures – Relatively Inexpensive
Faucets, showerheads and other water outlets that use hot water must be repaired if found to be leaking. Even a leak that produces a small amount of water loss such as one drop per second can waste well over 1500 gallons of water on an annual basis – increasing energy costs by as much as $40 per year. Another great alternative is to install low-flow water fixtures in your home. Today, federal laws require that new showerheads have a flow rate that is no more than 2.5 gallons per minute. The good news is that low-flow fixtures are relatively inexpensive and can achieve substantial water savings of usually well over 50% or more. Equally important is to make it a point to purchase only the most energy efficient appliances available today.
Ways To Reduce How Much Hot Water You Use Around the House
From clothes washers to dishwashers and other types of appliances that use water, always go with energy efficient machines. The best option in this regard is “Energy Star” type appliances. This will significantly lower your energy bills and save you money. In fact, over time this type of energy efficient appliance will actually pay for itself after several years of use in most cases. These are just a few examples of easy ways to reduce how much hot water you use around your home on a daily basis. Contact Alpine Heating & Cooling today to learn more about hot water heater repair, maintenance and installation in Mount Vernon Washington. Alpine is always standing by and ready to help.
Many people today may not be aware of the fact that a significant increase in a homeowner’s monthly electric bill could be directly related to a lack of adequate attic insulation. As a matter of fact, The Department of Energy recommends that homeowners increase attic insulation as one of the best ways to decrease electrical energy consumption. This makes sense simply because an abundance of insulation helps to keep heat inside your home and it avoids waste.
Adequate Insulation
Simply stated, when there is sufficient attic insulation the end result is outstanding performance when it comes to preventing heat loss or transfer. When heat transfer is prevented, electric bills are lower. Even those who think they have adequate insulation may find that old insulation may not be working as it was intended. It is best to have a professional inspect your attic to determine whether or not the existing insulation is doing what it was intended to do.
Properly Installed In The Beginning
One thing that a professional technician will look at is whether or not the insulation was properly installed from the very beginning. A technician will also check for loose, broken or uneven sections of insulation as well as sections that have become settled over time. These are all conditions that can have a big impact on preventing the transfer of heat. In addition, there are circumstances where a contractor may not have used the right type of insulation with an approved R-value. Keep in mind that an R-value is the measurement of an installation’s ability to effectively prevent heat transfer.
Trusted Heating and Cooling Professional
The higher the R-value the better the insulation will be at stopping heat transfer. Regardless of what the reason is for insulation not performing the way that it should, it’s never too late to improve the insulation in your attic as a way to save money on energy. Those wishing to save up to 20% on electric bills can also do something as simple as seal insulation air leaks. Contact a trusted heating and cooling professional today to arrange an insulation inspection in order to save money over the long term. Contact Alpine Heating & Cooling today to learn more about Mount Vernon Washington heating and cooling services that get results.
Today there are several different methods of heating a typical residential home in the United States. Here are a few simple examples of the most common ways that homes are currently being heated around the country. For example, a gas or oil furnace is typically used to heat a home by burning oil or gas contained within a sealed chamber. A blower moves air around externally to the chamber where ambient air then absorbs heat that is then ultimately pumped back into the home through ducting.
Make a System Safer and More Reliable
In most cases when a home is heated in this way, combustible gases that are toxic are vented outside of the home through pipes or tubing. While older furnaces will often use air from inside the home for heating, newer units sold today make use of outside air for the same purpose. Using outside air actually helps to increase efficiency and makes a system safer and more reliable. In addition to oil and gas furnaces, there is also the option to heat a home using an electric furnace. This type of system incorporates the use of simple electric strip heating elements. These elements serve to convert electricity into heat that is then used to warm a home.
Heating a Modern Residential Home
Air inside a home comes into contact with heating elements that serve to heat that air that is then distributed from room to room via ducting. This is considered one of the less efficient ways of heating a modern residential home. The system is simple, safe and reliable but generally is more expensive in terms of electricity usage. Finally, heat pumps are perhaps the most efficient way to heat a home using electricity. A heat pump will typically be of the air source type using some kind of refrigerant or chemical to effectively absorb latent heat in the air found outside of the home. This heat is then concentrated and then distributed throughout a home as a way to make the interior environment warm and livable.
Geothermal Style Heat Pump
Considered highly efficient in its operation a typical heat pump may not perform as well when the air outside becomes very cold. Unlike a normal air source heat pump, a geothermal style heat pump will derive its heat energy from the earth as a way to heat a home. This is a unique type of system that uses heat energy from the ground to produce very efficient heating. The benefit of using a geothermal system is that it is unaffected by outside air especially when this air becomes extremely cold. Contact Alpine Heating & Cooling today to learn more about Burlington Washington heating system maintenance and repair.
Today one of the best ways to ensure that your HVAC system operates year-round without interruption is to simply stay ahead of the curve. This means that as spring approaches in mid-March, combining regular spring-cleaning activities with checking your HVAC system is well worth the time and effort. It is vitally important to routinely check your residential HVAC system to make sure that all of the systems are running properly. When you know that your HVAC system is operating smoothly you can rest assured that it will do its job. Especially later in the year as the cold weather ultimately returns.
Checking an HVAC System for Proper Operation
While many homes in Washington State do not have air conditioning, the ones that do should also be prepared to check the air-conditioning portion of their HVAC system in the early spring. This will reduce the chances of not having conditioned air during the hottest times of the summer. When checking any HVAC system for proper operation, there are several things that should be looked at by you or a professional technician. For example, the outdoor portion of an HVAC system should be free of debris. In fact, an area of approximately two feet around the entire air conditioning or heating unit should be clear of leaves, grass and any other kind of landscaping debris.
Using a Hose to Remove Debris or Dirt
Keep in mind that too much debris around the outside portion of an HVAC system can cause degradation in system performance. In addition, it is a good idea to consider washing the exterior condenser unit portion of an HVAC unit. This can be done quite easily by using a hose to remove debris or dirt from the surface of this important component. The mixing of mild soap with warm water makes a solution that is ideal for wiping off any grime that may be adhering to system parts or components. If you choose to clean your HVAC unit on your own, it is still a good idea to have a professional come out and inspect the system to make sure that everything is working as expected.
Keep Your Indoor Air Quality at its Best
Once all outdoor checks have been completed, it is then a good idea to go indoors and change air filters. It is also important to note that some homes may have more than one air filter in more than one location inside of the house. Know the location of all air filters and change them regularly to keep your indoor air quality at its best while ensuring the highest level of system performance and efficiency. Most experts recommend changing filters every 90 days at the very least. Some conscientious homeowners even choose to change filters monthly. Always remember that dirty filters cause your system to work harder and will ultimately cost you more money over the long haul. Contact Alpine Heating & Cooling today for quality HVAC maintenance and inspections in Mount Vernon Washington and the Skagit Valley.
While there are many choices when it comes to heating and cooling companies found throughout the greater Burlington Washington area and the surrounding communities, choosing carefully can make a big difference in the final outcome. One company in particular that has consistently outpaced the competition year after year is Alpine Heating and Cooling. The company began operation all the way back in 2003 with the goal of creating the very best HVAC repair and installation company serving the greater Skagit County region. With a laser sharp focus on HVAC repairs, maintenance and servicing, the company personnel are highly qualified to install and maintain virtually any type of equipment in use today.
Alpine Maintains a Number of Certifications for Contractors
One key consideration when it comes to choosing the right heating and cooling company in Burlington begins with looking at its licensing, insurance and bonding details. Alpine maintains a number of key certifications for contractors including the following.
- UBI # 6O3 481 1O4
- Contractors # ALPINHC852DR
- Electrical Contractors # ALPINHC855DO
- Master Electricians # KIRKEG*970QS
- EPA Certified # P1101C6B150D160E0
Serving a vast stretch of the region including areas such as Bow, North Camano Island, Sedro Woolley, Anacortes, Burlington and La Conner as well as Mount Vernon and Stanwood, this is a company with extensive resources and experienced technicians. Another important fact about Alpine is that it has on multiple occasions won the best heating company Super Service Award offered by Angie’s List. This fact alone lets you know that you are choosing the right company for all your HVAC, heating and cooling needs in Skagit County.
Winners are Determined Based Upon Actual Customer Reviews
The Angie’s List Super Service Award is given out each year to top rated companies in each specific category within their given market. Keep in mind that winners are determined based upon actual customer reviews. Companies that have the highest rated reviews (indicating excellence in service and quality customer care) must have a minimum number of actual qualified reviews. Alpine has achieved success multiple years running by gaining impressive reviews from highly satisfied customers.
Premier Heating and Cooling Services by Alpine
Customers searching Angie’s List for the best Mount Vernon heating and cooling company will immediately spot the award with a small golden stars next to the business’s name. The Super Service Award logo will be displayed on the company’s profile letting you know that you are working with a top-rated heating and cooling company. Customers who have enjoyed quality heating and cooling services by Alpine can simply log in into Angie’s List and submit a review based upon their actual experiences with the company. From having a hot water heater installed to having an air conditioning unit repaired or replaced as well as a wide range of other services, Alpine Heating and Cooling is always standing by and ready to help.