Today, more than ever before it is financially sensible to ensure that your HVAC system is free of problems and that it operates efficiently over the long-term. Having HVAC routine inspections performed along with scheduled maintenance is one of the best ways to ensure a long lifespan and excellent performance when it comes to HVAC equipment. In fact, a lack of routine regular inspections and maintenance will ultimately end up costing homeowners more money over the long term.
Service Life and Reliability
Here are some of the typical benefits associated with having routine inspections performed on HVAC equipment. For example, those who have their systems inspected routinely can expect a longer useful life for their HVAC equipment. Keep in mind that replacing a complete HVAC system can be an expensive proposition and that is why it is well worth maintaining existing equipment as long as it is in good operating order. Most experts agree that a lack of proper maintenance and routine inspections can greatly hinder service life and the reliability of a typical residential or commercial HVAC system.
Service Life and Efficiency
In fact, many estimates suggest that service life and efficiency can be reduced by as much is up to 50% when regular maintenance and inspections are not performed. Keeping detailed records of data and monitoring performance of an HVAC system provides a more complete picture of the overall condition of the equipment. This helps to quickly identify any potential problems or defects that could lead to more serious and more expensive issues. In addition, equipment that is properly maintained, inspected and cleaned will simply operate more efficiently. Keeping a system operating at the highest levels of efficiency equates to saving money in terms of energy usage.
Routine Inspections
Dirty equipment such as a dirty heat transfer surface or tubes that are clogged makes it more difficult for equipment to transfer heat efficiently. This results in equipment working harder to do the same job and ultimately using a greater amount of energy. Routine inspections not only check for good functionality but they also look for parts and components that are dirty and that may require cleaning. At the end of the day, routine inspections will improve efficiency and save money on energy.
Greater Levels of Efficiency
Finally, routine inspections of HVAC equipment mean that the homeowner is now proactive rather than reactive. Waiting for unexpected problems to arise in an HVAC system can be a very costly way to manage this important home appliance. That said being proactive and having preventative maintenance and routine inspections performed on HVAC equipment will ultimately be less expensive and less resource intensive than waiting for something to break or malfunction. Those wishing to extend the useful life of their HVAC equipment will enjoy greater levels of efficiency and save money by being proactive rather than reactive and simply need look no further than routine HVAC system inspections. Contact Alpine Heating and Cooling today for the best in Bellingham HVAC system maintenance and repair.
Extending the life of a residential hot water heater can save money and prevent potential water damage as well as other related costly repair problems. Here are a few useful tips for homeowners wishing to maintain a residential water heater in top condition year-round. One example is to simply know where the water heater is located within your home. Be sure that there is clear access to this important home appliance and that the plumbing is easily accessible in the event that repairs or immediate action is required.
Powered by Propane
In addition it is recommended by most professionals that you know what type of water heater you have installed. For example, is the water heater powered by propane, electric or natural gas. Perhaps you have a tankless type water heater. Whatever the case may be, knowing well in advance what kind of device is installed in your home can ultimately save a lot of time, trouble and money. Experts in the industry recommend that homeowners write down in a safe place the serial number and model number of the unit that is installed in their home.
Model Number
This information is vital and important especially for a professional plumber who may end up working on the unit at some point. Keep in mind that embedded within the serial number and model number is information on gallon capacity as well as the age of the appliance. Equally important is to know where and how to turn off the flow of water to a water heater. Knowing how to shut the water off quickly in addition to the power or fuel supply for the unit can prevent water damage and other situations that could result in expensive repairs.
Adequate Airflow
Finally, keep the area around any water heater clear and free of debris at all times. This ensures that if a leak develops that you will notice it quickly. If the area surrounding the heater is cluttered it may not be as easy to identify developing leaks. Also ensure that there is adequate airflow around the unit. This is especially true of water heaters that use gas as a fuel. A lack of adequate airflow can result in reduced efficiency and even result in damage to the burner chamber or other parts and components within the unit. Contact Alpine Heating & Cooling today for Burlington WA HVAC services that always get results.

Good Airflow and Better Indoor Air Quality
Natural ventilation plays an important role in helping to keep your home fresh, healthy and clean. Simply stated, natural ventilation is created when fresh outdoor air is allowed to enter living spaces and flow freely. Natural ventilation does not require an air-conditioning unit or fans. Sometimes referred to as passive cooling, this kind of ventilation is completely free and highly effective in keeping any home looking and smelling fresh. Here are a few easy ways to improve natural ventilation in your existing home or even if you plan on building a new home.
Improved Air Movement
For example, choosing furnishings that are made of breathable materials such as wicker or bamboo can help to encourage improved air movement throughout your home. The very nature of this type of furniture allows for good airflow thanks to minimal heat retention and an overall airy construction. While this kind of furniture is frequently used outdoors it can easily be used indoors to create a unique and inviting look while improving overall interior airflow.
Improve Indoors Air Quality
Equally important is to get into the habit of opening windows frequently especially when the weather is nice. Opening windows is a great way to save energy used by electric fans and other types of air conditioning or cooling systems in your home. Keep in mind the fresh airflow can actually substantially improve indoor air quality. Those building a new home will find that proper window orientation can easily improve cross ventilation. This can be as simple as placing windows on north or south facing sides of the home. Smart design when building a home can greatly increase good airflow in all interior spaces.
Design of the Structure
Another great way of improving airflow when considering the design of a new home is to include transitional spaces throughout the design of the structure. This can include adding atriums, courts, balconies, patios and other types of open outdoor spaces that will help to encourage outdoor living and better airflow. Keep in mind that the advantages of maximizing natural ventilation cannot be overstated. Improved indoor air quality, reduced energy usage and a better overall indoor living experience are just some of the benefits of getting it right when it comes to natural ventilation in your residential home. Contact Alpine Heating and Cooling today for the best in Burlington WA HVAC services that get results.
While nothing compares to having your HVAC system maintained by a professional HVAC technician, there are some things, you, the homeowner can do between check-ups to keep your system running at peak performance. Best of all, regular HVAC care and maintenance will improve efficiency and even lower energy costs. One example of a great way to keep your system running at its best is to change filters frequently. Remember that a dirty filter will restrict airflow causing a system to work harder.
Check Refrigerant Lines
A clogged filter will also have a direct impact on indoor air quality. Plan to change the filter on your HVAC system every 90 days to gain maximum benefit. At the very least it is a good idea to check filter condition on a monthly basis and change as necessary. Equally important is to check refrigerant lines that run into your home. Look for frost accumulation and any possible leaks. If a leak is detected it is important to call in a qualified Burlington WA HVAC technician as soon as possible.
Keep the Entire Interior of Your Home Clean
Cleaning a system often is also a great way to improve efficiency and to extend the life of that system. In fact, one of the best ways to keep a residential HVAC system in top condition is to simply keep the entire interior of your home clean. A clean home that is free of dust and dirt will result in a cleaner HVAC system. Clean floors and curtains often and especially vents and heat registers. The air handling unit and the outdoor compressor unit should also be the targets of regular and frequent cleaning.
Quick Fix When Dealing with Mold
Finally, mold is a serious issue and must be addressed as soon as discovered. Keep in mind that a mold problem that goes unmanaged can quickly become a major issue for homeowners. Mold spores can spread very quickly and can be transported via airflow through the HVAC system. If you suspect mold in your home have a professional diagnose the problem and take corrective action as soon as possible. A quick fix when dealing with mold is to use household bleach to stop growth until a professional is able to deal with the problem. Contact Alpine Heating & Cooling today for the best in Bellingham HVAC services.

American Standard Heat Pump
Saving money is more important today than it has ever been in the past. This is especially true when it comes to improving the efficiency of an existing home heating or cooling system. First it is important to understand that most heating and cooling systems are not created the same. Different systems will produce different results and can have varying levels of efficiency. Simply stated, always make a smart decision when installing an HVAC system in your home as a way to keep utility bills as low as possible without sacrificing comfort.
Heating and Cooling Costs
It is important to note that in most typical residential homes, heating and cooling costs can account for almost half of a total monthly energy bill. Those with units that are older than 10 years old should consider replacing them with an Energy Star compliant system. This simple money saving strategy alone can save a homeowner upwards of 30% or more on annual heating and cooling costs. For the absolute best in seasonal energy efficiency, few other types of HVAC systems can compare ones that are fully Energy Star compliant.
Replacing Equipment
When it comes to replacing a central heating or cooling system here are a few other useful money saving tips worth considering. For example, anytime equipment requires frequent and costly repairs or energy bills are steadily on the rise it may be time to replace your existing system. In addition, when replacing equipment always select energy-efficient systems that meet smart energy saver standard programs or that offer rebate programs or other standard rebates. Many homeowners are surprised to find that this can help offset the cost of replacing an entire HVAC system. While high-efficiency systems can be more expensive initially, the cost will almost always be offset and paid back over time in the form of lower annual energy costs.
Annual Inspections
Finally, regular maintenance can be extremely helpful in preventing future heating and cooling system related problems. Work with an experienced and knowledgeable team of professional HVAC technicians to ensure that your system is properly maintained year-round. Having annual inspections of your system and occasional cleanings can ensure that it lasts longer and performs better. Springtime is the perfect time to check your heating system for possible failure. Contact Alpine Heating And Cooling today to learn more about Mount Vernon Washington heating and cooling services that get results.

Remove Odors and Pollutants
Perhaps one of the most important concerns when it comes to indoor air and health is to ensure proper ventilation in any typical residential home. Good ventilation helps to remove odors and pollutants and prevents air from becoming too stagnant. Not only will good indoor home ventilation improve health but it also serves to protect your home interior over the short and long-term. One major issue in terms of properly ventilating a home or business is that of condensation. When moist warm air makes contact with cold surfaces inside a structure condensation can occur.
Unhealthy Living Environment
Condensation can be seen forming on ceilings, walls and glass and can also accumulate in curtains and carpeting. Perhaps most concerning of all when talking about condensation is that over time it will result in the formation of mold and mildew. This can turn a healthy home into an unhealthy living environment very quickly. Keep in mind that properly insulating a home along with good ventilation will greatly reduce the chances of developing mold and mildew. One of the most alarming aspects of mold and mildew is that it may result in black mold. This can have serious health consequences.
Fuel-Burning Appliances
Ventilation can take on many different forms including static ventilation as well as the installation of a fan or multiple fans for more active air movement. Ventilation that is static in nature simply involves adding interior grills or other types of fixed openings used to allow for constant airflow and air evacuation. For example, clothing dryers require some type of static ventilation. Talk with your HVAC professional to determine how best to take advantage of static ventilation in your home. This type of ventilation is particularly important in homes where there are fuel-burning appliances.
Wood-Burning Stoves
Installing a fan really is a great way to remove stale air and replace it with fresh air in a house. As mentioned, fan installation and air movement is particularly important in homes using fuel-burning appliances or wood-burning stoves. This is simply due to the fact that carbon monoxide exposure can become a problem. Finally, exhaust fans are frequently used to ventilate homes and especially kitchens and bathrooms. This type of fan is usually ducted to the outside of the house as a way to evacuate stale or stagnant air. To have an exhaust fan installed in your home consult with your Burlington WA HVAC expert to learn more. Content Alpine Heating and Cooling today for quality Mount Vernon WA HVAC services.