Not surprisingly using excessively large amounts of hot water can greatly increase your energy bill on a monthly as well as an annual basis. Here are some ways that you can drop your water heating expenses ultimately saving a substantial amount of money each and every year. For example, reducing waste when it comes to hot water is one of the best ways to save money. It is a proven fact that heating water is indeed the second biggest energy cost in the average residential home. As a matter of fact this type of energy usage can easily account for nearly 20% of an average utility bill.
One Easy Way of Reducing Hot Water Consumption
The only more substantial expense in terms of energy usage is environmental heating and cooling. Conserving hot water by using low-flow fixtures and repairing leaks as well as choosing only energy-efficient appliances can really make a big difference. Keep in mind that many routine activities around your home use more hot water than you might ever imagine. For example a typical clothes washing machine can easily consume 25 gallons of hot water. In addition, an average shower can use over 10 gallons of hot water at a time. One easy way of reducing hot water consumption is to make sure that all leaks are identified and fixed.
Low-Flow Fixtures – Relatively Inexpensive
Faucets, showerheads and other water outlets that use hot water must be repaired if found to be leaking. Even a leak that produces a small amount of water loss such as one drop per second can waste well over 1500 gallons of water on an annual basis – increasing energy costs by as much as $40 per year. Another great alternative is to install low-flow water fixtures in your home. Today, federal laws require that new showerheads have a flow rate that is no more than 2.5 gallons per minute. The good news is that low-flow fixtures are relatively inexpensive and can achieve substantial water savings of usually well over 50% or more. Equally important is to make it a point to purchase only the most energy efficient appliances available today.
Ways To Reduce How Much Hot Water You Use Around the House
From clothes washers to dishwashers and other types of appliances that use water, always go with energy efficient machines. The best option in this regard is “Energy Star” type appliances. This will significantly lower your energy bills and save you money. In fact, over time this type of energy efficient appliance will actually pay for itself after several years of use in most cases. These are just a few examples of easy ways to reduce how much hot water you use around your home on a daily basis. Contact Alpine Heating & Cooling today to learn more about hot water heater repair, maintenance and installation in Mount Vernon Washington. Alpine is always standing by and ready to help.
While there are many choices when it comes to heating and cooling companies found throughout the greater Burlington Washington area and the surrounding communities, choosing carefully can make a big difference in the final outcome. One company in particular that has consistently outpaced the competition year after year is Alpine Heating and Cooling. The company began operation all the way back in 2003 with the goal of creating the very best HVAC repair and installation company serving the greater Skagit County region. With a laser sharp focus on HVAC repairs, maintenance and servicing, the company personnel are highly qualified to install and maintain virtually any type of equipment in use today.
Alpine Maintains a Number of Certifications for Contractors
One key consideration when it comes to choosing the right heating and cooling company in Burlington begins with looking at its licensing, insurance and bonding details. Alpine maintains a number of key certifications for contractors including the following.
- UBI # 6O3 481 1O4
- Contractors # ALPINHC852DR
- Electrical Contractors # ALPINHC855DO
- Master Electricians # KIRKEG*970QS
- EPA Certified # P1101C6B150D160E0
Serving a vast stretch of the region including areas such as Bow, North Camano Island, Sedro Woolley, Anacortes, Burlington and La Conner as well as Mount Vernon and Stanwood, this is a company with extensive resources and experienced technicians. Another important fact about Alpine is that it has on multiple occasions won the best heating company Super Service Award offered by Angie’s List. This fact alone lets you know that you are choosing the right company for all your HVAC, heating and cooling needs in Skagit County.
Winners are Determined Based Upon Actual Customer Reviews
The Angie’s List Super Service Award is given out each year to top rated companies in each specific category within their given market. Keep in mind that winners are determined based upon actual customer reviews. Companies that have the highest rated reviews (indicating excellence in service and quality customer care) must have a minimum number of actual qualified reviews. Alpine has achieved success multiple years running by gaining impressive reviews from highly satisfied customers.
Premier Heating and Cooling Services by Alpine
Customers searching Angie’s List for the best Mount Vernon heating and cooling company will immediately spot the award with a small golden stars next to the business’s name. The Super Service Award logo will be displayed on the company’s profile letting you know that you are working with a top-rated heating and cooling company. Customers who have enjoyed quality heating and cooling services by Alpine can simply log in into Angie’s List and submit a review based upon their actual experiences with the company. From having a hot water heater installed to having an air conditioning unit repaired or replaced as well as a wide range of other services, Alpine Heating and Cooling is always standing by and ready to help.
This is a common question that is often asked by homeowners who have never used this type of water heating equipment in the past. In essence, this kind of water heater allows you to have instant access to hot water on demand. This does not mean that the water is hot the very second you turn on the tap. It does take a few minutes for the hot water to reach the tap just like when using a tank system. What makes a tankless system different is that it does not store water and heat it up over and over again throughout the day and night.
Wherever Hot Water is Demanded
For better efficiency and energy savings it only heats water when the tap is turned on and water is flowing through the pipes. A tankless water heater can be powered by propane or gas and once the water is heated it travels along pipes to faucets wherever hot water is demanded. As a note, tankless water heaters that are gas powered must be vented through an outside wall. This is different as compared to a tank type water heater where venting typically is directed up and through the attic.
Gas and Water Pipes
In terms of cost management keep in mind that the venting system for a tankless hot water can be quite expensive and in some cases can cost as much as the water heater itself. Always choose to have a professional electrician and plumber install this kind of system in your home. This is especially true considering the fact that gas and water pipes must be correctly routed to allow for the new system to work properly. Even the electrical connections must be installed professionally to ensure that there is never a fire danger or other problems that may arise later. Finally, tankless water heaters can also be powered electrically and are somewhat different than propane or gas powered type tankless water systems.
Professional Electrician and Plumber
This type of electrically powered arrangement works by using heating elements that are located inside the pipes that heat water as it passes by. One advantage of using electrically powered tankless water heaters is that there is no venting required of the system. This is convenient because it means that this version of the system can be placed just about anywhere in your home. As a note, you will still require a professional electrician and plumber to ensure that the system is installed in the right way. Contact Alpine Heating & Cooling today to learn more about Burlington Washington tankless water heater installation services.
Water heaters are very dependable today, however even the best-built water heater will eventually fail at some point in time. Few people realize how much they count on a water-heating unit until the day that it actually stops working. Here are a few smart tips on how to handle the failure of a water heater in your home. Perhaps the most essential thing to remember is that when one does indeed fail it is important to get it fixed as quickly as possible. Whether you have an electric or gas unit, time is of the essence so plan on getting it fixed as soon as you can.
The Tankless Variety
Keep in mind that those with a storage tank style water heater that has failed may have the perfect opportunity to switch to a more efficient and more reliable system known as a tankless water heater. It is also worth noting that gas water heaters of the tankless variety are considered to be one of the most efficient types of water heating units available today. While it is true that tankless models tend to be pricier than conventional storage tank type water heaters, they will pay for themselves over the long term when it comes to energy savings and long-term reliability.
Mount Vernon Washington Water Heater Repair
When the day finally does arrive where a water heater does actually fail, remember that calling, as soonest possible, for help from a professional in the field will reduce the inconveniences that you may experience. In most instances once you have a professional in your home working on the problem it can be repaired in the same day having your home back to normal quickly. Whether a water heater fails completely or simply has a troublesome leak, calling in a professional is the best way to resolve the problem. Keep in mind that more serious cases where there is a sub floor that has rotted through or severe water damage has occurred may require additional time to resolve the situation, as would be expected.
Difficult To Access
Finally, one big concern that people have when a water heater unit does fail is that of cost. Remember that repair costs will depend primarily on the type of gas or electric water heater that you decide to replace the failed unit with and how easy it is to install. One example is when a water heater is hidden in an area of the home that is difficult to access. When this is the case, installation and repair costs can be considerably more than if a water heater is conveniently located out in the open in a garage, for example. Contact Alpine Heating & Cooling today to learn more about water heater repair in Mount Vernon Washington. Help is just a call away!
Today more than ever before it is important to consider all options when it comes to saving energy and saving money. The term Energy Star is an important aspect of selecting the right type of appliances for your home or business. When you purchase appliances or equipment that boast the Energy Star label or logo, you can be sure that you are buying an energy efficient product that will ultimately save you money and also help to save the planet. As an added bonus, with Energy Star appliances, anytime there is an increase in the cost of energy, the value of your appliances automatically increases in terms of the ability to save you money.
Replacement Will Be Less Frequent
Energy Star approved appliances are considered to be higher quality in terms of how they are designed, manufactured and built. In other words, this type of appliance will provide years of trouble-free service while operating in a quieter and more efficient way. They can be expected to last longer meaning that replacement will be less frequent. Everything else aside, saving money each and every month on energy bills is perhaps one of the most enticing reasons to choose this type of appliance. In addition, the idea of incentives and rebates is hard to resist.
For example, the incentives and rebates offered by Cascade Natural Gas right here in Washington State have real value in terms of saving consumers money. Typical incentives include hundreds of dollars offered to those who choose to install high-efficiency natural gas furnaces or high-efficiency tankless water heaters. In some cases, these incentives can be over $800 or more. Even increasing attic insulation can make one eligible for incentives and rebates. Energy Star appliances are a big hit because of their amazingly high rates of efficiency meaning that they will almost always entitle a homeowner to some type of incentive or rebate.
The Next Time You Are In The Market For A New Appliance
In addition to installing Energy Star appliances there are many other ways that homeowners can save money around the home. This can include everything from simply installing faucet aerators and showerheads that are specifically designed to save water. This not only lowers water usage but it also reduces costs associated with heating water. Keep these simple ideas in mind the next time you are in the market for a new appliance. From boilers to fireplaces and geothermal heat pumps as well as ductless heat pumps and many other types of common household appliances, qualifying for Energy Star incentives and rebates is easy. Contact Alpine Heating & Cooling today to learn more about Energy Star incentives and rebates in Mount Vernon Washington and the surrounding communities.
Extending the life of a residential hot water heater can save money and prevent potential water damage as well as other related costly repair problems. Here are a few useful tips for homeowners wishing to maintain a residential water heater in top condition year-round. One example is to simply know where the water heater is located within your home. Be sure that there is clear access to this important home appliance and that the plumbing is easily accessible in the event that repairs or immediate action is required.
Powered by Propane
In addition it is recommended by most professionals that you know what type of water heater you have installed. For example, is the water heater powered by propane, electric or natural gas. Perhaps you have a tankless type water heater. Whatever the case may be, knowing well in advance what kind of device is installed in your home can ultimately save a lot of time, trouble and money. Experts in the industry recommend that homeowners write down in a safe place the serial number and model number of the unit that is installed in their home.
Model Number
This information is vital and important especially for a professional plumber who may end up working on the unit at some point. Keep in mind that embedded within the serial number and model number is information on gallon capacity as well as the age of the appliance. Equally important is to know where and how to turn off the flow of water to a water heater. Knowing how to shut the water off quickly in addition to the power or fuel supply for the unit can prevent water damage and other situations that could result in expensive repairs.
Adequate Airflow
Finally, keep the area around any water heater clear and free of debris at all times. This ensures that if a leak develops that you will notice it quickly. If the area surrounding the heater is cluttered it may not be as easy to identify developing leaks. Also ensure that there is adequate airflow around the unit. This is especially true of water heaters that use gas as a fuel. A lack of adequate airflow can result in reduced efficiency and even result in damage to the burner chamber or other parts and components within the unit. Contact Alpine Heating & Cooling today for Burlington WA HVAC services that always get results.

Takagi Tankless
Today more than ever before consumers are turning to tankless water heaters as a way to lower energy consumption and decrease utility expenses in general. That said keep in mind that this type of water heater requires a special type of venting in order to blow hot exhaust gas outside of the home as a way to dissipate heat. Different from conventional water heaters, tankless hot water heaters require unique and creative venting options.
Direct Vent Pulls Air From the Outside
Keep in mind that in many cases the installation of this type of water heater results in a more attractive and less expensive finished product. Perhaps the most important aspect of a tankless water heater is that it will save considerable space. Tankless water heaters can be vented in one of two ways. They can either be vented via a power vent or direct venting. A direct vent pulls air from the outside of the home and will typically have two vent openings used for exhaust and intake.
Outside Tankless Water Heaters
This kind of configuration is unique in that it allows a tankless unit to fit in a much smaller spaces than would otherwise be the case. Conversely, power vent type units only require that there be adequate exhaust venting available. That said, a power vent unit usually requires a larger area so that adequate volumes of air are available and so that normal combustion is assured. There are other types of units that are known as outside tankless water heaters. These are good because they can free up a lot of indoor space. Best of all, an outside unit requires no additional venting.
High Efficiency Levels
When installing a unit that does require outside venting remember that venting can be through a sidewall or roof or any other number of other unique venting options. Finally, there are units that are known as condensing tankless water heaters. These are a good choice because they can lower energy costs thanks to very high efficiency levels. With the lower cost of installation associated with nonmetal parts being used, a condensing tankless water heater may be the perfect choice for today’s modern homeowner. Contact Alpine Heating and Cooling today to learn more about Mount Vernon Washington HVAC systems and services with a proven record.