Alpine Heat Is the HVAC Equipment Expert in Skagit County
Modern homes are elegant orchestrations of numerous complex systems that should look and feel as simple as possible for the homeowner. Whether you’re a developer putting in a subdivision, a contractor building a custom home, or a homeowner wanting to save money and be more comfortable in both winter and summer, a properly installed, efficient, and reliable HVAC system is key.
New Construction
Alpine has the experience to work on any size job and to seamlessly integrate with other contractors on the job site. We’re on schedule, on task, and leave a neat, clean job you’ll be proud to show to the new owner. When you choose an HVAC contractor, you need to know that the job will be done right the first time. Alpine Heating and Cooling is fully insured and licensed, and we guarantee our work. You won’t be getting calls from the homeowner that their system failed due to poor workmanship.
Existing Construction, New HVAC Installation
You love your home, but maybe it was built before all the modern conveniences were available or affordable. If space heaters and window fans have been getting you by until now, imagine how nice it would be to set your programmable thermostat and stay warm in the winter, cool in the summer, and to save money on your HVAC bills all year long, too?
It’s not a dream – a new, energy-efficient air conditioning, heating, or combination heat and A/C system can be installed in virtually any existing home, often with minimal changes to the existing structure. Ductless mini splits from a strong, reliable company like American Standard can provide quiet, zone-controlled heating and cooling to any home, and may qualify for numerous rebates and incentives.

A Clean, Neat, and Professional Installation Is Guaranteed
Existing Construction, Upgraded HVAC System
In recent years, the technology behind heating and cooling equipment has leapt forward. What was once big, heavy, expensive, and almost experimental is now compact, quiet, efficient, reliable, and priced for the mass market. Better materials and better design have enabled better performance and even better warranties.
No longer does the homeowner with a reasonable budget have to settle for a budget-performance HVAC system. Often, upgrading an older system to a modern one will pay for the new system within several years through fuel and electricity cost savings.

A Clean, New Gas Boiler Installation in an Existing Home
When Choosing an HVAC Contractor, It All Comes Down to Comfort
After 30 years, I have come to the conclusion that its not really the brand that makes you comfortable, it’s the company behind that brand. I find most customers choose Alpine Heat because they are most comfortable with us. We are trained, experienced, we stand behind what we sell, we provide great service, and we appreciate our customers.
Alpine Heating and Cooling carries one of the best brands of equipment on the market today – American Standard . Consumer Reports has named American Standard the best brand many times over.
If you are in need of a furnace, air conditioner, heat pump, mini split or tankless heater, Alpine Heat has the experience to make it happen. Give us a call at 360-755-5146 or 360-293-6210 and let’s talk.

We’ve seen (and fixed) it all. Give us a call. Thanks!