Anacortes Boiler Replacement

Anacortes Boiler Replacement, Iron Fireman To Navien
This Anacortes Boiler Replacement project involved this monster of a boiler, this boiler was burning massive amounts of fuel oil to keep my customers home heated, costing them dearly. They felt it was time for a change to something way more efficient and reliable.
A Test Of Time
When ever I remove a old unit like this I try to imagine what the installers where like, where they young or old? And or perhaps how much effort went into installing such a beast back then. At that time this was cutting edge equipment and they where probably extremely proud of the installation.
The Navien Combi/tankless Unit
As you can see the new Navien CH-240 Combi/tankless unit takes up very little room compared to the older monster of a boiler ... and not only does it heat the home, it heats the hot water as well. I have installed a few of these now with very little issues. They work exactly how they are advertised. The only draw back with this Anacortes Boiler Replacement is that it takes a little longer to get hot water compared to the standard Navien NR-210a tankless.
This Anacortes Boiler Replacement turned out great for our customer, the Navien heats both the home and the hot water(endless) and is super efficient. This is one of my favorite installations and I highly recommend doing this for anyone in the same situation.

Weil Mclain Ultra Boiler Issue

If you own a Weil Mclain Ultra Boiler, this article is for you.
We have a customer in Anacortes WA with a WEIL McLAIN Ultra Boiler 105. Their boiler is propane (LP), uses a side wall termination kit provided by WEIL MCLAIN and is on the coast pulling in salt air for combustion. This particular boiler has given us trouble for many years. Usually boiling down to a bad air fuel mixture, but on occasion we had to replace parts. All done with tech support on the phone.
WEIL McLAIN Ultra Boiler Venturi
This last service call shed some light on some of the issues, the venturi was compromised, literally falling apart. When we contacted tech support about the venturi they stated that the venturi only has a life expectancy of 5 years! Not only where we shocked to hear the 5 years, we where even more shocked that the existing venturi was replaced by Alpine Heating And Cooling only 2 years ago.
High Maintenance
If you own the WEIL McLAIN Ultra-105 boiler or considering purchasing one, keep in mind they require a yearly maintenance. The yearly maintenance has to be done with a kit that they supply, that kit is expensive and the labor to perform this maintenance is extensive. Also keep in mind that every 5 years you maybe buying the ULTRA-105 gas valve replacement kit #383-501-030, also very expensive. On a final note we share service information with another service contractor in our area, they as well are having issues with another WEIL McLAIN Ultra boiler ... but model Ultra 80. So we don't know if this problem is just for the model 80 and 105 or spreads to all sizes.
The WEIL McLAIN Ultra boiler is not a boiler Alpine Heating and Cooling recommends, especially if you're LP and or living on or near salt water. Keep in mind the boiler is a high maintenance and is very expensive to repair.

York and American Standard

York and American Standard combination
Once in awhile you mix and match the equipment, meaning the indoor coil and furnace, like this York and American Standard match up. And usually its because the existing furnace is fairly new like this York 80% gas furnace that's only 9 months old. As long you have the proper airflow and your equipment can match up physically without causing improper air flow it will work just fine. Keep in mind you should still match up your indoor coil and air conditioner.
American Standard Color
I have to admit that somehow the folks down at American Standard have picked the perfect colors for their equipment. I have yet to see one of their air conditioners or heat pumps stick out, they seem to always match up to the home. I wish the refer pipe cover would come in the same color, well at least its paintable.
American Standard Air Conditioner
I can not tell people enough how much I prefer American Standard over any other brand, usually I will install a less expensive piece of equipment IF the customer is on a budget, its a manufactured home and or American Standard simply will not match up to the existing furnace. I feel American Standard is a better built piece of equipment, that's just not my experience talking but also consumer reports over the last 6 or so years.

Roth 1050 controller

Roth 1050 Controller to Honeywell AQ25244B
Boiler Controllers
Boiler controllers can be very intimidating, especially if you do not deal with the same controller all the time. To make matters worse we had a burnt out Roth 1050 controller (Tekmar) that provided zero information on the installers custom settings. The Roth #1050 was manufactured by Tekmar, Tekmar was a leading manufacture and provider of boiler controllers. That was until the industry they provided controllers to caught up to their technology and started to produce their own controllers at a much more reasonable cost.

Burnt Controller
After removing the circuit board from the housing you can see under the blue capacitor a burnt spot, now in some cases you can have these boards repaired, unfortunately this board was beyond repair. And the very sad part is these boards are becoming scarce and very expensive. Our solution was to move to a Honeywell AQ25244B controller with a AQ25744B expansion panel. Honeywell is less expensive and readily available.

Honeywell AQ25244B controller
Not only would the Honeywell controller replace the the boilers Roth 1050 controller it would also replace the 2 Taco zone controllers that where on the system as well.
We installed the Honeywell AQ25244B controller in a more accessible area for the home owner as well as for the service technician. Because the new controller did the task of 3 components all the wiring had to come back to this location.

Boiler System Back Up And Running
Once the new Honeywell controller is installed we still have a few hours left configuring the system and to make sure the system is working correctly.

FREE Bubba Sudz Car Wash Promotion
Every year we try to do this promotion with Bubba Sudz car wash. Its a great way to get a FREE car wash and keeping your air conditioner or furnace in tip top shape. This is a limited time offer.
Ductless In Anacortes

Ductless In Anacortes, a perfect example.
This home(Ductless In Anacortes) is a perfect example of when you need to consider a Ductless Daikin mini Split heat pump. The home is slab on grade, meaning no crawl space under the home. Even if we had a crawl space there is no logical place to put a furnace. And the home is only about 1200 sqft. way to small for a full size furnace. Making the ductless Daikin ductless mini split ductless system a perfect fit.
And once again I forgot to take a picture of the indoor unit.
Need a Heat Pump, Air Conditioner, Furnace, Boiler, Ductless, Mini-Split or Tankless Water Heater? We install them all over Skagit county including Mount Vernon WA, Burlington WA, Anacortes, Sedro Woolley, La Conner, Stanwood WA, and on Camano Is.
Daikin Heat Pump With Navien
Daikin Heat Pump Install
I find it rather amazing how far along the technology has gotten with these ductless mini-split units, from the DC motor inverter to the intelligent eye (infrared sensor) ... truly amazing.
Here you see the outdoor section of the Daikin heat pump system that we installed in to a existing log home that is in a middle of a remodel. My customer really only wanted to deal with 3 sections of the home, a ductless mini-split system works perfect for this.
For each Zone we used a Daikin indoor unit with inverter technology. An added feature is the infrared sensor that lets the unit know when people are not present within the room being served, automatically switching to the high efficient mode.
Navien Tankless Water Heater
The Navien NR-210a tankless water heater fit perfect in to this log home application. We utilized an outdoor closet so no room was taken up in the home. Running both the vent and combustion air up through the existing roof. A few modifications to the existing gas line and we are ready for hot water. And because of the circulation pump option on the Navien my customer will have virtually instant hot water at the furthest point of the home.