Explore Your Options With A Ductless Mini Split Heat Pump

Modern innovations in HVAC systems have allowed more options for homeowners and businesses today than even just a few short years ago. A ductless mini split heat pump is a unique type of heating system that effectively eliminates energy inefficiencies that are often seen in ducted heating and cooling systems. In fact, a typical ductless mini split can reduce energy inefficiencies by up to 30% or more. These systems are typically easy to install, quiet and efficient and may even be eligible for a variety of energy rebates.

Type Of Installation

One of the best advantages of using this type of heat pump system is that they are ideal for the zone heating or cooling of specific areas of an interior space. In most cases, this type of system can be installed and be up and running within a matter of hours. A ductless mini split heat pump is easy to operate, easy to maintain and will typically last for many years once installed. It is important to note that not all homes are suited for this type of installation. For example, some homes would require too many separate many split systems to be considered cost-effective.

Mini Split System

While there are a variety situations where this kind of heating or cooling system would be ideal there are other cases where a more robust and comprehensive system would be more appropriate. That is why it is important to talk with your heating and cooling professional to find out which system will work best for your particular needs. Keep in mind that the portion of a mini split system that is installed indoors can at times be bulky and easily visible. Those who prefer a more hidden type of system may wish to consider other options.

Heating And Cooling

All said a ductless mini split is an excellent option when used in the right type of application. Having a professional assessment of your home or business is usually the perfect place to begin when determining whether or not this type of heating and cooling option is the most appropriate. Many factors are taken into account such as the size of the interior space and the area that requires heating and cooling. The electrical panel and the type of construction as well as the existing system in use are all taken into account when determining if a mini split system is best. Contact Alpine Heating & Cooling today for Mount Vernon HVAC system service and sales.

Why Proper Home Ventilation is so Important


An American Standard Heat Pump

Remove Odors and Pollutants

Perhaps one of the most important concerns when it comes to indoor air and health is to ensure proper ventilation in any typical residential home. Good ventilation helps to remove odors and pollutants and prevents air from becoming too stagnant. Not only will good indoor home ventilation improve health but it also serves to protect your home interior over the short and long-term. One major issue in terms of properly ventilating a home or business is that of condensation. When moist warm air makes contact with cold surfaces inside a structure condensation can occur.

Unhealthy Living Environment

Condensation can be seen forming on ceilings, walls and glass and can also accumulate in curtains and carpeting. Perhaps most concerning of all when talking about condensation is that over time it will result in the formation of mold and mildew. This can turn a healthy home into an unhealthy living environment very quickly. Keep in mind that properly insulating a home along with good ventilation will greatly reduce the chances of developing mold and mildew. One of the most alarming aspects of mold and mildew is that it may result in black mold. This can have serious health consequences.

Fuel-Burning Appliances

Ventilation can take on many different forms including static ventilation as well as the installation of a fan or multiple fans for more active air movement. Ventilation that is static in nature simply involves adding interior grills or other types of fixed openings used to allow for constant airflow and air evacuation. For example, clothing dryers require some type of static ventilation. Talk with your HVAC professional to determine how best to take advantage of static ventilation in your home. This type of ventilation is particularly important in homes where there are fuel-burning appliances.

Wood-Burning Stoves

Installing a fan really is a great way to remove stale air and replace it with fresh air in a house. As mentioned, fan installation and air movement is particularly important in homes using fuel-burning appliances or wood-burning stoves. This is simply due to the fact that carbon monoxide exposure can become a problem. Finally, exhaust fans are frequently used to ventilate homes and especially kitchens and bathrooms. This type of fan is usually ducted to the outside of the house as a way to evacuate stale or stagnant air. To have an exhaust fan installed in your home consult with your Burlington WA HVAC expert to learn more. Content Alpine Heating and Cooling today for quality Mount Vernon WA HVAC services.