Summer is a wonderful time of year especially for those who enjoy the great outdoors. That said coming home to a cool and comfortable home sometimes requires a little bit of proper maintenance, care and management when it comes to a residential HVAC system. Here are a few simple ways to maximize the efficiency of your HVAC system. For example, it is best to make sure that your HVAC system is balanced. Balancing a system of this nature simply involves making adjustments with regard to what are known as volume control dampers as well as registers.
Only Requires Moving a Lever
While not all systems have these components, the ones that do would be best served by having a quick inspection and balancing performed. Registers are perhaps the easiest to deal with and only require moving a lever to make an adjustment. Registers simply control how much conditioned air is allowed to enter a particular room or space within your home. As a note, registers that are positioned the farthest from the main HVAC system should always be kept full open.
Call An Expert To Adjust Registers
Conversely, those that are located close to the central system can be adjusted to be partially closed or completely closed as necessary. While homeowners can do this on their own, it is sometimes best to call upon an expert to adjust registers. This is simply due to the fact that professional technicians will have unique and special instruments that can measure airflow and temperature more accurately. The end result is energy savings and lower utility bills.
Replace Any Items That Have Proven To Be Defective
In addition, most experts recommend establishing a preventative maintenance program for your valued HVAC system. This includes routine changing of air filters as well as inspections at least annually or bi-annually. Having the heat exchanger surfaces cleaned as well as refrigerant coils, condensers and evaporators checked will ultimately be worth it over the short and long-term. Leaks should be repaired and coils, ducts and piping as well as fitting should all be inspected regularly. Always replace any items that have proven to be defective. Contact Alpine Heating & Cooling today to learn more about HVAC system care and maintenance in the Skagit Valley including Anacortes WA, Mount Vernon, Burlington and La Conner.

Spring has arrived and summer is not far off. It is worth considering some simple yet highly effective ways of saving money on your monthly energy bill as it relates to your HVAC system. For example, a very simple and often overlooked strategy that can greatly improve the efficiency of an HVAC system is to simply install an inexpensive programmable thermostat. One of the biggest benefits of using a programmable thermostat is that your HVAC system can be controlled even when you’re not at home.
Exact Temperatures Can Be Programmed
A thermostat that is easily programmable can be designed to operate an HVAC system around your schedule. Exact temperatures can be programmed for specific times of the day, greatly reducing the amount of energy that is used when you’re not home. In addition, ceiling fans are another inexpensive way of greatly improving overall energy efficiency around a home. Home Depot in Burlington and Lowes in Mount Vernon sell attractive and multi-functional ceiling fans at a very reasonable price.
Ceiling Fans
Because heat rises expect the heat in your home to accumulate around the ceiling. This is especially true when talking about a home that has more than one floor. One of the best ways to evacuate hot air out of your home is to make use of the airflow that is provided by a ceiling fan. In lieu of using a ceiling fan a regular standing fan can produce similar results. Good air circulation provides for better temperature control and takes a lot of stress off of a typical residential HVAC system. Never underestimate the benefits of installing ceiling fans throughout your entire home.
Vents and Returns
Finally, make sure that all vents and returns related to your HVAC system are always open and clean. Obstructions and the blockage of vents and returns simply mean that a system has worked harder than is necessary. Lowering your energy bill on a monthly basis especially during the summer months means more money in your pocket for you and your family. With so much to gain from a few easy tips, now is the best time to take full advantage of maximizing the efficiency of your HVAC system. Contact Alpine Heating & Cooling today to learn more about HVAC system care and maintenance in the Skagit Valley!

While not every home in the Pacific Northwest and the Skagit Valley has an air conditioner, many newer homes do indeed have some type of air conditioning system. For those Skagitonians with AC, there are some easy and effective ways of saving energy when it comes to keeping your home cool during the hottest days of summer. For example, having an air conditioning tuned up and cleaning or replacing filters on a monthly basis can improve efficiency and save money over the short and long-term.
Keep Your Home Just A Little Bit Cooler
Also important is to make full use of window treatments like blinds and shades during the day to keep the heat of the sun under control. This is a free way to keep your home just a little bit cooler during the hottest times of the summer. Another great way of saving energy when it gets warm in the Pacific Northwest is to make full use of ceiling fans.
Reduce The Amount Of Heat That Accumulates In Your Home
Ceiling fans are great way of keeping airflow moving throughout a home while also reducing the temperature by just a few degrees. Another great tip for reducing energy usage during the summer is to use appliances like the dishwasher and washer and dryer at night in order to reduce the amount of heat that accumulates in your home. Many people today also choose to set their water heater temperature at around 120°F. This is a safe temperature and will also help to reduce energy usage as compared to keeping it at a hotter temperature.
A Few Pennies A Day Can Add Up
If you have additional freezers or refrigerators in your garage consider deactivating them, unplugging them or turning them off when not in use. This will reduce the amount of energy that these appliances use even when they are not actively keeping something cold. Along with appliances unplugging anything including TVs and DVD players can also save money. While it may not be a substantial amount of money, a few pennies a day can add up over a year’s time. Contact Alpine Heating & Cooling today to learn more about cooling your home during the summer and saving money on energy!